Upgrading WE Makarov

Because specific airsoft regulations, airsoft players (especially one with bolt or DMR) must carry secondary weapon. For us, passionate Russian reenacters, that rule is somewhat painful, because lack of high quality replicas of Russian pistols. Gas blowback replicas, or even high quality NBB replicas of modern russian pistols like MP443 Grach still are not available, we need to satisfy ourselves with good old PM (Makarov).

Used but not abused, WE PMM

On first sight, WE Makarov looks really high quality built, with steel of good texture, colour and sturdiness. This post is about upgrading the internals, so we are gonna move to the thing.
We need to identify initial problems, and they are: 1) too low FPS without silencer (cca 250fps), 2) not enough hop for BB’s higher then 0.20.
Because of simple physics law, we know that heavier BB’s go easier through air and reach further distance. Our task is to improve hopup system with some DIY methods, and reason behind that is to make heavier BB’s usable and effective in this system.

Dissasembled WE PMM

WE has made dissasembly of Makarov same as real gun. On first look, hopup chamber system looks really good, and style of applying pressure should be unique and effective. But, where is the problem? Where has my hop gone?
Because specific design of hopup arm, it doesn’t apply enough pressure on a hopup bucking, so it is advisable to insert some thin piece of plastic, aluminium, or something else, to make more contact between bucking and arm.

Plastic piece used like a shim between hopup arm and hopup bucking

I saw big potential in this hopup chamber, so outside of DIY mod, i decided to do basic upgrade of internals, with Maple Leaf Crazy Jet inner barrel (80mm)* and Maple Leaf autobot 60° hopup bucking. I have only good experience with those parts, because I used them few years ago, in VSR 10 bolt replica.
With installation of those parts, and adding a plastic shim between hopup arm and bucking, replica was able to perform constantly within 50 meters range, which is, comparing it with initial 20-25m, exceptional upgrade.
Furthermore you can see difference between applied hop with and without plastic shim. If you have for more questions we will be glad to help. We really hope that you all owners of WE PMM will be satisfied with this easy and cheap DIY mode, which can really help make your Makarov not only photoshooting model, but usable and reliable sidearm.

* With Maple Leaf Crazy Jet 80mm, it is impossible to use silencer anymore

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